
Dechen bio photo

Dechen's Soul Art

What Inspired you to do a Soul Art journey?

I love Soul Art Day! Personally it marks a very significant change in my life for me. As in 2017 when I joined Soul Art Day for the first time and afterwards the Soul Art Certification , it felt that finally I had found a way to make a living being my creative self! As an artist it opened up a whole new adventure of experimenting with all different Art mediums. Sooo much fun. Soul Art Day is like an anniversary of a rebirth. And to create with thousands of other people worldwide on that day is a magical experience. I truly believe that our creative power can help to heal ourselves, and help to heal and preserve Mother Earth.

How would you describe your creative process?

Initialy it was a bit challenging, but then I just entered a creative flow, just riding the waves of what my Creative Spirit was guiding me to. It was so joyful and meditative. A blissful experience.

What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?

Many insights, and I am sure more will evolve from it. * I realised how much the Soul Art Certification has given me in terms of growing in forms of expression as an artist. Such a total freedom my Creative Spirit experiences trying out all different Art mediums organically. I have explored so many different things already, and while in the proces of creating this artpiece, I realised this even more. Felt so much gratitude and also experienced this freedom of being able to just be myself. Even if it is intense, or crazy…I am allowing myself total freedom of expression..that makes my Spirit and inner child truly happy and I am sooo grateful… *My body is my Temple and I need to take time to honour it and create save sacred space within myself. In that way I will also organically honour my boundaries.

What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?

To experience allowing ourselves the total freedom in creative expression makes our inner child, our Creative Spirit so happy. Magic arises from that…