Sofiah Thom

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Sofiah Thom's Soul Art

What Inspired you to do a Soul Art journey?

As a guest on the Google Hangout speaking about the womb and her connection to our creative process, I simply had to carve out the day for my womb and creative process. It was so yummy!

How would you describe your creative process?

Listening, dialoguing with my womb and my blood. Allowing what wanted to come through to come through. I felt between worlds as I danced, painted with my sacred blood, got dirty with the paints and dark charcoal. connected with the dark moon goodess and allowed her space to be seen.

What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?

“I am the dark and the light I am whole I embrace the tongue of Kali’s wrath I open to the light of divine love I honor my sacred blood As i return to the earth Whole and holy I am home Integrated Virgin, mother and crone I embody the lioness and give myself the courage to say yes to all that wants to birth through me. Nothing is too much. I dance between worlds Bridging this world to the unseen. I trust I let go I remember I stand strong in my sexual sovereignty At home in my Temple Body. Ready to birth the new paradigm through the portal of my sacred womb”

What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?

Wisdom lives in our shadow and is held in the dark Goddess within.