Debra Garza

Debra Garza bio photo

Debra Garza's Soul Art

What Inspired you to do a Soul Art journey?

I taught elementary art for 30 years. Since retiring I’ve started guiding adults find the joy in their creativity that has been quiet all too long. When I saw the notification for Soul Art Day I felt this kind of self exploration was what I really needed to advance myself where I long to take otheres, on a journey to discover their own intuitive art, and less about the techniques.

How would you describe your creative process?

HIstorically, my creative process was to plan, plan, plan.The media, the subject and composition, the colors, and the techniques would all be clearly planned and organized ahead of execution. Using the Soul Art Journey process was so freeing. I was able to allow “attraction” and intuition guide me through feeling, seeing, and revealing the painted image that resulted.

What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?

My intention was to clarify my purpose and path for this time in my life. The insight I received was that I AM on the path to fulfill my purpose. My task now is to discover how to deliver it best to others.

What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?

The need to create in inate in everyone. The joy I felt while going through this creative process was exactly what I’ve been working toward guiding my students to find. To open the intuitive channels in your heart and soul and to create art that has deep meaning and satisfaction for the artist.