harma margrieta

harma margrieta bio photo

harma margrieta's Soul Art

What Inspired you to do a Soul Art journey?

mainly the amazing impulse I got of joining Soul Art Day last year, it was my first journey and life changing, in Soul Art I found a tool of self-communication, healing, grounding, integration. It was such a life changer that I joined the course, Soul Art Certification and now, one year later, I am guiding other people on their journeys. That was also the focus (or intention) of this year’s journey, my next layer of expansion, transforming my Soul Art of self healing into a business.

How would you describe your creative process?

It was a tough one today, meeting lots of inner blocks and moving through them, it started with the intention setting, I kept on going in circles, round and round and round again. Until I reached a point where I thought “Oh what the f#$%%ck, I want out of this misery and into my next layer of expansion, I am capable of so much more than this”. And that was my intention (get me out of this misery and guide me into my next layer of expansion, I am capable of so much more than this”.

Tracing was easy and happened naturally I also sketched the energy of my light body. Looking back now, that is a new layer of expansion, able to map my light body. I also sketched the energy of the chakras.

Dialoging with the map gave me great insights, creativity is my bridge in-between my current body (where I am now) and light body (symbol of my next layer of expansion) and my anger is the blockade in between those two. I especially bumped into my anger and moved today through several layers.

I used the creative entrance of the guidance of today and ended up with “shadow” as a theme. What was interesting working with the two bodies, light and physical

To create the map, piece or art, I painted.

What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?

– that my anger, dislike of things, dislike of some people, envy, judging, prejudices, irritation etc, all these emotions that I describe as black and negative, tell me something. Something I don’t want anymore, I want different, or something that I do want but don’t allow myself to have, or something I reject but want to come forth through me as the next layer of expansion. It is okay to feel them, give space to them and listen to their message, what they have to tell me. It is a new understanding of grateful and love. Another side is part of it too, the shadow. – the bridge in between my current and future self is my creativity – turn your focus on what you want (something in the third eye, literary adjust the focus in their and shine on something else than the business will start flowing) – listen more to your own inner voice, or mainly listen to that.

Integration. Integrating light and physical body, but I also see in this map a reflection and integration of many maps I created in the last year “orange is the new black” creativity is the replacement of the anger (the colors in between the light and physical body), “twist” the position I was lying in resembled another body map reflecting doing it more my way, “split flower” and “embodied disembodiment” reflecting the separation of the light body and physical body. Actually an integration of all the body maps I have made in the last year.

The answers will come during the creative process. Or whatever I want it will develop in the creative process. Closing the gap in between my current situation and next layer of expansion will happen in the creative process of creating it.

What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?

That all the negative dark emotions have a message for me and that it is okay, it is actually essential to connect and express them and gather the wisdom and insights of these feelings. It is essential for experiencing the full-color range of life.