Angela Lou-Gilchrist

Angela Lou-Gilchrist bio photo

Angela Lou-Gilchrist's Soul Art

What Inspired you to do a Soul Art journey?

I’ve been participating in the Soul Art Day celebration for 3 years now. It’s always a wonderfully fun and joy-filled full day experience in which I dedicate to nurturing my artistic side and take exquisite care of myself via a fancier homemade lunch and luscious long bath. At the end of the process I gain a lot of insight about myself, my journey, and what I’ve chosen to create. I use this day as a creative and spiritual re-fueling. It’s nice to know that my enthusiasm for Soul Art & Soul Art Day inspired a new friend to participate this year. Soul Art is good medicine and it gladdens my heart! 😉

How would you describe your creative process?

I allow my intuition to roam free and play. It’s a mindful experience (being in the zone and allowing the inspiration to engulf me all around) but not mindful (no constant questioning of why this over that). It’s best for me to not allow myself to stop and ponder for too long. Specifically on Soul Art Day, I chose an oracle card to inspire, guide me, set the tone for my journey and I worked with a cluster of crystals & stones known to support creativity or just anything that spoke to me that day. I work best in a clean, uncluttered environment in which I can just spread out.

What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?

Despite the fact that I was fixating over a bunch of silly things early that morning, I just allowed the process to naturally unfold. Everything turned out fine because I was able to let go of wanting to control every little thing. I enjoyed the process and was able to conserve my energy for what really mattered… making my art 🙂

What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?

When you are in your space to create, keep a soft focus as to allow your connection to inspiration to travel easily through you onto your medium. Don’t overthink anything you are doing and keep going. Write down or say a positive affirmation before you begin or even while you feel challenged. Get enough rest and eat well/healthy. Always make sure your environment is clutter-free and that you are surrounded by things that you love and inspire you.