Kathryn MacDonald

Kathryn MacDonald bio photo

Kathryn MacDonald's Soul Art

What Inspired you to do a Soul Art journey?

With many different demands constantly being juggled, the prospect of pushing them aside to join in a collective experience of creativity was too juicy to miss!

How would you describe your creative process?

Normally I meditate before painting random brushstrokes on the canvas. To set out with an intention, and then follow a visual, emotional and a free-flowing written form of expression to open the gateways of creativity, was thoroughly enjoyable and profoundly enlightening. I allowed my intuition free reign from choosing colour to forming the patterns. From beautiful hair, upstretched hands, a bustier of half pink satin, half silver feathers/armour, to mountain scene with a critical dragon’s eyes. I was taken from the excitement and joy of partaking in the collective experience to the pits of despair, and questioning not only my motive for taking part, but my right to even exist.

What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?

Analogy and insight poured forth during the entire process. I became aware of how I self-sabotage through over-committing, therefore leaving too little time to devote to the very thing I yearn to do -paint! The out-of-balance washing machine kept screeching and illustrating you can’t simply shuffle things around and hope for the best. Sometimes you have to take everything out and be very selective and balanced with what you put back in. I found a wretched pit of low self-worth that is undermining my efforts to create a colourful, joyous life for myself. ( I symbolically painted the dragon’s eyes closed to quieten the negativity.) When things feel drab and hopeless, I mustn’t be afraid to turn everything on its head and make a fresh start, inject the colour I wish to embrace, even when I can’t see the point. There was no green. Nature completes me. I need to get into Nature more regularly.

What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?

In declaring to the Universe and my soul, “I’m taking this time to stop and listen to what you want me to know”, it provided a wonderfully enlightening experience. My secret desire at the outset was to create a profoundly beautiful, vibrant artwork, but the discovery of a saboteur within was so much more valuable. The more I can love that part of myself, the more beautiful masterpieces will eventually follow. Surely. …. Hopefully.