Sherry Andrychuk

Sherry Andrychuk bio photo

Sherry Andrychuk's Soul Art

What Inspired you to do a Soul Art journey?

The name of your site caught my attention…I had a website called Art and Soul back in the “90’s..I think in essence my painting and life have been an art soul journey…whether it was setting a table, rearranging the furniture, playing in the garden…or playing with grand boys…I guess I would call it shape shifting….I needed a shift in the direction of my painting and thought this might do the trick..

How would you describe your creative process?

My creative process has evolved over the years…I did soul portrait paintings of people’s lives for commission until my eye sight and hands could no longer take the intensity of such concentration…My creative process is intuitive…painting is a necessity and a mystical experience…..being in the head deciding what to paint has always been the hardest task for me.. but it is the heart that paints and dances and celebrates in the moment taking me through chaos into joy…..

What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?

Even in the darkest hours of one’s life, small miracles of wonder like a singing bird will magically appear or a fairy might grace your brow ,an unseen hand appear just in time …. Life is a magical journey

What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?

Like life, interesting detours and surprises occurred..painting is a healing force living in the moment ….and the moment is all I have… From childhood I have drawn and painted in my head what I see where ever I go….everything and everyone becomes so beautiful……and fascinating.. sometimes life can interfere with the process and I forget …., Laura… are a blessing and this is a wonderful gift you have given to the world…..Thank you kindly.