Crystal Mays

Crystal Mays bio photo

Crystal Mays's Soul Art

What Inspired you to do a Soul Art journey?

I loved the idea of creating art, going on a soul journey with a group of other artist from around the world. I wanted to connect with my art in a new way and glean some important insights.

How would you describe your creative process?

The process was difficult for me. I had a lot of judgements come up as soon as I had my body traced on the canvas. My hips were huge in my estimation. I worked through some of the resistance, I ended up pouring black paint on the left side of my naked body and then using the dripping paint to make foot prints on the canvas. I let the painting sit for 4 days before I could revisit it today. With my vocal coach, I was able to address the body shame and judgement I had about my butt and hips. Using my voice and adding paint and intention to that part of the painting, I was able to make some strides towards loving my hips and butt.

What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?

All of me in important. In loving myself, I am invited to love all parts of me, and especially the parts I have hated for most of my life. When I connected to my hips and let my voice sing the song that is there, WOW, it was powerful, primal, tribal, raw and real. Big energy of the goddess, the mother, birthing creation.

What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?

I have a beautiful body, a body that longs to express, experience pleasure, love, and wants to perform on a BIG STAGE. Connecting with the energy of Living Large and loving the large in me, in my being, my body, I invite a new assesment of BIG. Big is beautiful and I am safe to experience bigness.