Jennifer R.

Jennifer R. bio photo

Jennifer R.'s Soul Art

What Inspired you to do a Soul Art journey?

I am in love with illustration and design, I create every day. Part of my daily creativity is from a series I started January 1, 2012, called What my Coffee says to me. This series, saved me from depression and brought to the point were I am in love with my work again. Today, I am still creating this daily series, it inspires me and inspires many throughout social media. What my Coffee says to me, fills me with inspiration for 3 years and counting.

How would you describe your creative process?

I am inspired and fueled by words, words make visuals dance in my head. I read, write and start my day with gratitude and a great cup of coffee! Coffee and pen to paper, I release my hand to drink life in! Coffee is the soul of my daily series, which moves me throughout my day, fills my heart with love and I have such fun making me smile as well as others in Social media.

What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?

Life, energy and surges of creativity. Creating every day, fuels my soul, and sharing the creations with everyone lets me love the universe in a new way.

What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?

With every creation from What my Coffee says to me and What my Tea says to me series, my spirit soars each day, it soars and I want to give back. So I have set up some of my creations on Redbubble, to sell and raise money for mental health and financial literacy for kids. My soul feels the need to help others, to share, bring hope and love to all! I invite everyone to learn here :