
Janel bio photo

Janel's Soul Art

What Inspired you to do a Soul Art journey?

I am fully embracing who I am as the artist. I’ve followed your work for years. I always love it. Every time I’ve done a telecall for one of your programs and done the process, I have a break through. I always feel someday I will do more with you. I so appreciate what you share with world. I’ve worked with Shiloh.

How would you describe your creative process?

Intuitive and child-like (good, as in letting go). Flowing with layers and layers of color. Breaking loose finally of a stuck place. I appreciated the theme of artists there saying that they work on multiple things.

What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?

1) Surrender is good! I surrendered into this as a process … to not be about making something pretty, just do process. (an issue for me). Interestingly, I really love my painting. The feeling, the visual. I find myself looking over and just gazing at it.

2) I can work in chaos – or not seek all in order to allow myself, justify my art and time. I am moving from Washington DC this week back to the woods of Sierra Foothills in California. This insight is related to my need/focus recently getting back to place of “not being able to not do my art daily” . I am also in a two week process at same time, that I had to do this emerging in my art. Right in the middle of the big mess of sorting, purging, planning, packing .. instead of everything having to be in order, clean, right time, enough time, etc, etc.

What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?

That I actually surrendered, and I finished it, and I liked it. I wasn’t judging myself like usually about my skill, how it looks, was supposed to look. I surrendered to the issue of always working alone – as I go back to a community that is where I thrive but also resist. I wanted to do full body but was alone. So, I did body parts on one page and realized that, of course, I am working with integration, as usual. Integration of lots and lots of stuff and the same multi-year theme of “what is my work and how to make living doing it?” I’ve been consciously working with the healing of the inner male and female for over 13 years – way before of course. Before my conception. (related to the therapeutic art process I am creating – supporting people to heal the experience of coming into union of egg and sperm). Recently, yellow and purple have come to represent the male and female for me. They create a beautiful red. In my painting/experience in Soul Art, the yellow and purple appeared; surrounded the parts, integrating them into the beautiful one. Organization within the seemingly disorganized.

I will be hanging it up in my space and meditating on it, continue asking for messages and support. I am curious about the overlappings and relationships and depths of layers.

Thank you so much, Laura and your team, and participants there and everywhere. It was an honor to share the space with you all.