Lea Goode-Harris

Lea Goode-Harris bio photo

Lea Goode-Harris's Soul Art

What Inspired you to do a Soul Art journey?

I have been following Laura’s work now for quite a few years. I just have not been able to carve out the time for myself these past four years to join in the Soul Art Journey Day. This year not only did I make a commitment to participate, but I invited one of my best friends who lives in England, 5,342 miles from me, to join me. We’ve been meaning to carve out a “Skype & Make Art Date” and this was the boost for us to finally pull this off!

How would you describe your creative process?

I need a little bit of structure to get me going! I had the intention to make this day fun, spontaneous, inspiring, and completely unknown as to where I was going. I watched some of the videos and the live feed from Laura and the other artists, I viewed the art being posted on the FB Soul Art page, and I had my early morning “art-date” with my friend in England. I printed out the meditation, but decided to just dive in to see what wanted to emerge for me. I started on two paintings. I thought I was going in one direction and ended up going in an entirely different direction, which really surprised me! I just kept following the thread inside me that wanted to express myself. It was wonderful and I’m so pleased that I was able to participate this year!

What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?

That life is a surprise. You can put forth your intentions, but to not hold on to them super tight. It is about trusting my creativity. All I have to do is be here, show up, and let what wants to come forth… come forth. And, how grateful I am to be an artist.

What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?

How grateful I am for this community that came together on May 27th and that I got to be a part of it. All I had to do was show up and magic happened for me! And my deep gratitude to Laura for following her heart and passion and what an inspiration she is to me and so many others.