Donna Harrison

Donna Harrison bio photo

Donna Harrison's Soul Art

What Inspired you to do a Soul Art journey?

I am inspired by the process, going into myself listening for answers and support from my internal knowing. I am also drawn to the optimism and energy of working in time with other like minded creators.

How would you describe your creative process?

I like to get still, listen for prompts on how to begin, I already had an insite to draw roots from my feet and I found the tree bark outside my house the day before. So I just needed to incorporate them onto my body map.

What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?

When I was three quarters through my piece I went for a walk and I all of a sudden was gifted with an idea on how to start living my life purpose in a tangible way. Now I just have to plant my roots and make it happen.

What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?

The most important thing for me was realising that I was capable of creating a piece of art so large in such a short time frame. It stretched my imagination and I fell in love with my creation. I call her Super Being. I painted from the feet up in blocks of colour and didn’t realise what she looked like till I put her on the ground to photograph the complete result. She reminds me of a super hero, so I receive that as another message from spirit. I am more than I think I am.