
Lauren bio photo

Lauren's Soul Art

What Inspired you to do a Soul Art journey?

I was captivated by the idea of joining a world wide group of souls all creatively exploring themselves and their dance on this earth. I missed it last time and am delighted it was at the full moon this year.

How would you describe your creative process?

My creative process was to focus on the resistance i feel putting myself and my work out into the world and to get some insight as to how I can let go of this. I became very distracted by the Scorpio moon, and at first it was all i could express. I returned to the picture the next day and was able to bring in more of what i was feeling about what was holding me back. It was an intense focussed process, quite deep and controlled, very Scorpio.

What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?

I began to see how two symbols of Scorpio, the scorpion and the eagle, reflect the tug of war i am experiencing with my work. The scorpion being the practical, earthy engaging and doing and also the trepidation and doubt i feel about opening myself to the world. I could get hurt, it could be dangerous. The eagle shows my ideas, dreams and visions of how I could be, fully present, powerful and free. Two sides of the internal tug of war that keeps me stuck in the middle, hesitating, procrastinating.

Through creating this image i realize that no matter how scary or uncomfortable it can feel, crafting this new life is the most creative, maturing and empowering process I have ever undergone and my fears won’t prevent its bursting into flower.

What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?

I love seeing everyones soul art expressions and reading about their experiences. I mostly create alone, so it has been wonderful to share the journey and visions of so many others, flashes of individual facets of the diamond of our collective soul.