Rita Juse-Čirkše

Rita Juse-Čirkše bio photo

Rita Juse-Čirkše's Soul Art

What Inspired you to do a Soul Art journey?

I consider art as part of my spirituality. So, when I heard of a free Soul Art Day, I didn’t hesitate for a minute 🙂

How would you describe your creative process?

I was pretty much unprepared, but I had burning questions I hoped to find answers to through this practice. So I started the body mapping as soon, as I could, and let the art lead me. Although I knew the answer to the most burning question the next day, I stayed with my inner Mother Goddess emerging on the sheet for the next 2 weeks and it hangs next to my bed now, so she is the one I contact with as the first and the last every day. This is the second one of my blog posts about my process https://alatvianrita.blogspot.com/2013/05/loads-of-pondering.html (and the situation around it)

What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?

I got absolute clarity about my calling as a coach and the whole Soul Art process revealed to me a huge number of details about the kind of service I can offer to people and what are the main values I have to keep up building my brand new coaching business.

What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?

It was a priceless experience to me! I want to enroll into the Certification Program ASAP to share it with others.