Eva Annaluna

Eva Annaluna bio photo

Eva Annaluna's Soul Art

What Inspired you to do a Soul Art journey?

I LOVE creating art while being connected to so many creative people in Spirit; it feels very empowering. Also, it is a great moment to tune into my intention and initiate the New Energy in my Life. Since my dear Soul Sister Lucille DancingWind is currently staying with us at our retreat center Home Heart Hawaii, I shared the Soul Art Journey with her… And we included our cat ‘Amber Alii’ in the process as well! (Yes, we body~mapped a cat and she loved it!!) It was so much fun to inspire each other and create art together!

How would you describe your creative process?

This Soul Art Journey worked very deep for me, on many layers. I took the time to let the Soul Art grow in more detail every day… For a full week. It felt very nurturing to let my process unfold organically, following my creative inspiration while being present in every moment. Sharing this journey with Lucille added an extra dimension for me. There was a perfect balance of working together, sharing insights, laughing as well as turning inwards for the dialogue with the Soul Art.

What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?

The biggest insight was that when I take my time for my process ~ whether it be my healing, art projects or other manifestations in life ~ the outcome is beyond my colorful imagination. Like a butterfly in her cocoon: the beauty once the butterfly finally spreads her wings is amazing… And it will happen in the Divine Timing.

What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?

I was inspired by the beauty of my True Being showing itself in radiant rainbow colors accompanied by many dolphins on my Soul Art. This Soul Art Journey made me realize that I AM a Human Dolphin ~ which for people that know me is not a surprise ~ but I had to come to that realization myself! Being a Human Dolphin means being present in every moment with an open heart and living life fully, enjoying every jump… Spreading dolphin bubbles along the way. I love it!!