Suzanne Armstrong, Artist, Stylist, Entrepreneur~The ART of Healing, Transformation & Liberation are found in LOve, Connection, & Self Expression. from United States
I look forward to Soul Art Day every year! I could feel the deep rumbling of something I was ready to UNLEASH. As the quote goes,”… the moment one definitely commits oneself, then providence moves too…..” is so TRUE~the moment I said YES & committed to myself for Soul Art Day~ my soul began stirring and shimmying, synchronicities happened, clarity emerged, divine messages came through and downloaded. The day is “Creative Church for my Body & Soul” ~ THE entire experience POWERfully reminds me of what is possible when I “move” in SELF TRUST & with pure connection to my SPIRIT. I wanted a BREAK THROUGH & that’s exactly what I experienced!
How would you describe your creative process?
It’s different every time. I may get an idea or hunch I want to explore, or a yearning because I’m stuck, frustrated, or bored and don’t know what the heck to do..I make SPACE to BE IN & with whatever it is that’s asking to be expressed or created. So I set aside time to be alone and not distracted in my studio. I will meditate or listen to a body activation to “EMPTY out.” Then I pull cards from my fav oracle decks to hear what “my counsel” has to share with me. Then I begin journaling about what’s real and true for me RIGHT NOW and also what it is that I desire. Journaling allows me to speak freely, truthfully, and safely to myself to get to the truth of what is REALLY going on~get to the ESSENCE of what I’m truly hungry for. From there I feel much more OPEN, FREE, & activated. Then, I just BEGIN. I sometimes walk around the studio picking up and putting down things, creative tools, etc to sense WHAT and HOW spirit wants to come through. I (try to) TRUST my first INSTINCTs & just go with them. If I find myself getting too “heady” I step away, just to breathe, meditate, dance, or whatever helps me get out of my head and into my body. My creative process activates a MIX of energy IN my body that oftentimes is very uncomfortable but I KNOW is totally part of my process & journey. What matters most to me in my Creative process is not the final art but WHO I become or rediscover within myself I already AM as a result of my CREATion. I also like to create a “container” of time for my journey so I focus my energy and allow myself to fully feel into the COMPLETION of the process. The container allows space for both the days leading up to it & the AFTERGLOW. Usually my spirit action is giving myself a set amount of time to show up and receive the clues and INsights and really BE present with my piece after it’s completed. I LOVE that part! After the “receiving” I decide my next Spirit Action to bring the TRANSformation to Life so I can FULLy EXPERIENCE it in REALity.
I make sure I have snacks, water, music PLAY list (love making them for each journey), a blanket and comfy spot to sit or lie down. Right now I have a studio so I go there and am surrounded by color, fashion, and fun kitschy things that make me happy and inspire me.
What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?
The INsight I received from my Soul Art Piece was the *BOOM* of my intention: I AM the rEVOL~YOUtion.
I AM WHO I’ve been waiting & searching for ~I “knew” that BUT i didn’t KNOW it. It LANDED like a *BOOM* in my body on Soul Art Day. I SEE my art as a mirror of myself and who I have become. My rEVOL~YOUtion means taking full responsibility for my life, living in integrity and n’ sync with my values & standards, and daring to claim the pure luxury of BEing Me, creating and WALKing MY path to LIVING the SOULiciousness I desire in this season of my life. Potent words are Reciprocity & RE-relationshipping.
What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?
The most important thing I’d like to share about my Soul Art experience is my reminder of how the answers I seek lie within me and that I AM the bridge and the POWER SOurce between my inner and outer worlds and It’s my responsibility to bring those answers to life.