Jan, I make art that brings you joy, warmth and beauty from India


Jan bio photoWhat Inspired you to do a Soul Art journey?

I was holiday, close to nature. I hadn’t done much art while away, so it made sense to do the Soul Art journey, working live and with participants from across the world, all done virtually.

How would you describe your creative process?

My creative process depends on my moods, the situation and the environment. I’m a polymath so I love to experiment and explore with various creative forms of art, often bridging various art forms to make something new.

I tend to create better when I’m close to nature and a more expansive environment. Where that’s not always available, I make sure I at least carry a sketchbook or iPad along so that I can sketch, write or jot down poems on the go.

For this particular Soul Art Journey, I had two options: Use my iPad to create the art, or use pen and paper. I chose the latter. I used Posca pens, gel pens and the calligraphic pens. A mix of colors, textures (yes, the gel pens came in glitter, metallic, neon and pearlescent versions), were enough to get the juices running.

Plus, the lack of pressure in completing the soul art helped me ease into flow, breathing meditatively, focusing on my intentions, pausing when I needed to hear that bird sing in the tree outside.

What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?

That endless opportunities are always available to us when we choose to tune into Godly wisdom, knowledge and really rely on the spirit of God to move us forward. And even if we find ourselves stuck, there is a need to change that mindset. It’s not stuckness, perhaps. It could be rootedness like the Asoka tree or the Oak tree.

Other forms of insight include the act of surrendering and letting go self-judgement or self-criticism. Soul Art does help embody the truth, and the mind chatter does cease.

What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?

It’s the collaborative experience. I’ve always seen making art as a solitary activity because I prefer going deep and into my inner self so that I can stay in flow when making art. However, I have also started to see the power of making art together, even though we are in our own bubble or inner art space.

Learn more about Jan

Website: https://www.jandsastudio.com/