Heather Shalhoub, Artist, Creatively Fit Coach, Academic Librarian from United States


Heather Shalhoub bio photoWhat Inspired you to do a Soul Art journey?

I have done Soul Art Day 3 times before. This year, I suddenly had the urge to dive into creativity after a bit of a lull. After a hibernation period, I felt ready to dive in for some soul connection, guidance, color, and joyful creating.

How would you describe your creative process?

I often follow an urge or calling to create and how I want to create. I normally paint and only collage for vision boards but I was called to do my soul art as a collage this year. I needed to change it up, to venture out of my comfort zone and truly tune in to my soul guidance.

What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?

My soul art tells me to embrace my feminine energy, my truth, my self-care, and what makes me me (my you-ness). It is full of flowers and color and the word is the word “bloom.” I got the message that it takes time to bloom. I also got the message to look, pay attention, to the Universe and to all I have in my life to feel joy and gratitude about. Make everyday count. My body mapping turned out to look like a yoga balance pose which tells me to focus on balance in my life.

What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?

It doesn’t require traditional art skills to have a rewarding experience with Soul Art. You will be amazed at the guidance you receive.

Learn more about Heather Shalhoub

Website: https://www.heathershalhoub.com