Suzie Cheel, Heart Whisperer: I help you discover the healing power of self-love from Australia


Suzie Cheel bio photoWhat Inspired you to do a Soul Art journey?

Even though I paint a heart whisper almost daily as a meditation I rarely give myself the gift of time and reflection that taking part in a soul art day offers. I had it in my diary and had a large piece of carbonite ready to start the process.

How would you describe your creative process?

I started by having my body traced and used that as my starting point with the words freedom, wealth, health, spirituality, creativity, abundance written over and around the body. As I started to paint I lost my creative juice, so I turned the board over and allowed my heart to guide me. I was quite surprised at what emerged. Like last year I painted this in stages allowing my soul to guide me . The process was opening and very insightful. I am now going to explore larger works as this will allow my spirit to soar.

What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?

These words flowed onto the paper: “You are strong, creative and free, accepting and loving you and me. The world is waiting, you must share your gifts. You are surrounded by so much love, embrace it NOW and step into your power. It is time for you to shine!”
Then; The complexity of your process has shown you a way to move forward simply.

What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?

This was a huge awakening for me and responded to my scary intention:Guided me to seeing myself as a $10,000 a month person. My art reflected that when I listen to and allow my heart to guide me, success will come. It’s time to make the shift and live more fully in my heartland, letting the controlling headland have a holiday.