Phoebe Phoenix, Creative-Intuitive Unearther of Soul Gems from United States


Phoebe Phoenix bio photoWhat Inspired you to do a Soul Art journey?

The desire to learn more about my inner world and how it is manifesting my outer one, and to cultivate a clearer communication with my own soul.

How would you describe your creative process?

Ecstatic, mysterious, and surprising. I felt like an explorer going into unknown territory. It was very empowering and fun.

What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?

That I am ready to step into my own own authentic, creative power and that to do this I need to cultivate an open heart and say yes to my own authority over my life and experience.

What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?

This process is so satisfying and opening. It makes me want to make every day a Soul Art day. Setting aside this time for yourself to explore and create is invaluable and I will definitely be making this a regular ritual.