Debbie Rae-Smith, Web designer and digital collage artist from Australia


Debbie Rae-Smith bio photoWhat Inspired you to do a Soul Art journey?

I did a Soul Art journey last year, and found it both inspired me and gave me so much insight into my life. It really helped me to understand where I was at, and feel better about it!

How would you describe your creative process?

I started out very excited and inspired, and things seemed to just flow. Then when I was completing my Soul Art, I saw the obvious message in it and became bored and resistant to it. I kept thinking “this is it?”. The message I had received from my Soul Art last year was very profound, so I was a little disappointed by the message I *thought* I saw in this year’s art.

And so I procrastinated finishing it for nearly two weeks. I wasn’t until I sat down, finished it, and did the questions on insight, that I realised the art had another deeper message for me – and it made me go “wow”!

What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?

My Soul art made me realise that I hold the believe that peace is only possible in stillness, and that movement or action brings busyness and stress. My Soul Art showed me that it is possible for there to be peace in movement and action, and that I need not fear taking action nor fear taking the wrong action.

This the message from my Soul Art:
“You don’t have to fear movement – either forward or backward – for it all takes you where you need to go. Stillness does not necessarily mean peace – it can also mean inertia and stagnacy. Action can bring peace, it can bring contentment, it can bring joy and vitality. Movement IS life. Move and be free.”

What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?

That its important to stay out of your head, and not anticipate what your art is trying to tell you! It only impedes the flow, and the message. Trust the process, and look forward to the surprise you get at the end when your art reveals itself to you fully.

Learn more about Debbie Rae-Smith
