Jocelyn Bates, Cultivator of Curiosity and Creativity in the Human Experiment from United States


Jocelyn Bates bio photoWhat Inspired you to do a Soul Art journey?

The call of working in my creativity and soul space alongside thousands of people across the globe.
On more days than not you can find me in the midst of a Soul Art Journey. This work and the process of the Soul Art Certifications has been absolutely transformative in my Life.

How would you describe your creative process?

My Creative Process is messy and primal, It has a flow and an energy to it but I don’t always understand it until I feel that I’m finished. I trust my creative process fully and allow it to breathe through me, learning long ago that my creative process likes to surprise me.

What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?

I received the Insight that my beauty, my Authentic Beauty is both on the inside and on the outside and that I only need to reach out from within to see and feel it. They are actually one and the same, there is no chasm between or mis-understanding or mis-communication between the two. They just express my beauty differently

What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?

I had the opportunity to go on my Soul Art Journey with my kids who are 7 and almost 15. Their energy infused my space, the music we listened to, the conversations, the electricity of the room. There was something so AWESOME about working with the intention of thriving on the inside and out while working in a room where two of the three children my body birthed were in the room and creating alongside me. When I go on Soul Art Journeys I take in everything that surround me on the journey – it brings in such a richness to the journey! It was a bit surreal <3

Learn more about Jocelyn Bates
