Dechen Verschueren, Find the Art of You through a Soul Art Bodymapping journey from Netherlands

How would you describe your creative process?
What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?
My intention for this Soul Art piece was: Rooted in ease and joy I flourish in all aspects of my live on Mother Earth to benefit all sentient beings.
And one of the biggest insights I got while working on this piece is that I realized & felt it on a deep level, that I carry this deep rooted fear related with “ease” in my DNA. A lineage fear of my family, and it is time to release it!
What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?
That through the years of experience I have doing the Soul Art Certification and being a Soul Art Bodymapping guide, I have a deep rooted trust in the creative process and my Creative Spirit. That is so beautiful and brings me so much, because it always, always gives different perspectives, insights, messages and ideas. It’s so empowering! To realize that again while working on this particual piece made me feel so grateful.
Learn more about Dechen Verschueren