Yaelle Schwarcz, Soul Artist and Art Guide from Australia


Yaelle Schwarcz bio photoWhat Inspired you to do a Soul Art journey?

I’ve been a part of the Soul Art Certification for a few years and love the deep connection I’m developing with myself through creativity.

How would you describe your creative process?

Once I set my intention and clear any dross by moving or doing some energy sketching it’s as if everything else flows. I follow the prompts. My process is intuitive.
With this piece, I felt drawn to grab some dirt from my garden and massage it into the canvas. From that wild and sensuous place I needed to paint dots with a stick. It became a meditation with each healing dot.
I then took it into the forest to finish it with more dirt.

What insight did you receive from your Soul Art?

I am worthy of claiming an abundant life. It’s time. Take quiet time to check in and create a solid foundation.

What is the most important thing you would like to share about your Soul Art experience?

It was such a joy and every dot felt like a salve to my spirit.